Tennis Courts & Facility Summary
13 Reviews

Maureen K., Hudson, MA
Saturday November 12, 2016
"Waltham was the nicest team we played so far. The captain stayed for the entire match and rooted for both teams. As well as the other players who hung around. The doubles matches were nail bitingly close and a lot fo fun to watch."
other facilities nearby
Bentley College - Falcon Tennis Center
175 Forest St., Waltham, MA 25422
Bentley College
400 Beaver St, Waltham, MA 24723
Lowell Field
190 Grove St, Waltham, MA 24524
Brandeis College
475 South Street, Waltham, MA 24545
Nipper Park
65 Dartmouth St, Waltham, MA 24536
Weston Racquet Club
132 West St., Waltham, MA 24517
Brandeis University
425 South Street, Waltham, MA 24548
Brandeis University
425 South Street, Waltham, MA 24549
Brandeis University
425 South Street, Waltham, MA 245410
Brandeis University
425 South Street, Waltham, MA 245411
Gann Acadmy
333 Forest Street, Waltham, MA 245212
Victory Field
50 Orchard St, Watertown, MA 247213
Fessenden School Tennis Center
250 Waltham St., West Newton , MA 246514